
In 2017 the UN Office on Drugs and Crime published international data on intentional killings of women. It revealed that, daily and worldwide, 137 women are killed by family members. A number of these will be so-called ‘honour’ crimes. The Council of Europe Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence against Women (the Istanbul Convention) refers that these may have as the ulterior aim the restoration of family “honour”, the desire to be seen as respecting tradition or complying with the perceived religious, cultural or customary requirements of a particular community. Not perceived by the communities as crimes, the so-called ´honour’ killings often go non-reported as such (rather as suicide or accidents), or not reported at all.

FATIMA2: Preventing Honour Related Violence against Women through Social Impact Projects and Peer Learning led by young men, continues the work initiated following the killing of Fadime Sahindal, a 26 year-old woman, the daughter of Kurdish parents who were migrants living in Uppsala, Sweden. She was killed by her father. Fadime’s boyfriend was Swedish, and this was deemed to have brought shame and dishonour to the family and the community. It is the aim of the FATIMA2 project to prevent any such tragedies to ever happening again. In order to do this, the work programme wants to directly support:

a) Practitioners of community organisations in their capacity to cooperate with youth in the implementation of Social Impact Projects on human rights and gender equality; as well as to cooperate and network with other practitioners, local authorities and corporate organisations on the development, dissemination and sustainability of the FATIMA2 programme towards the eradication of HRV at local and transnational level.

b) Young men (aged 16 to 24) to become peer leaders and human rights ambassadors in their communities and, through them, indirectly empower their peers through awareness-raising on HRV in the community, as well as to engage with older men (aged 25 to 45) in a dialogue on the impact of gender inequalities and Gender Based Violence (GBV) in the community.

This is a collaborative effort by partners in 8 European countries: Folk Universitetet (SE), Rinova (ES), DAF Новини (BG), FISPE (FR), Refugee Team (NL), ZRS Koper – Znanstveno-raziskovalno središče Koper (zrs-kp.si) (SI), ARCI (IT), DIMITRA (EL).
