
Sign up for our third FATIMA2 Online Expert Seminar: Good Practices for Intercultural Communication on the 4th of December

The Third of a series of webinars dedicated to raising awareness and professional development to end Honour Related Violence, where a panel of experts discussed diverse perspectives and strategies.

Part of the FATIMA2 learning programme, which aims to prevent honour related violence against women through social impact projects and peer learning led by young men, Webinar 03 is showcasing how youth across Europe have been developing social impact projects on Human Rights and Gender Equality, learning about and discussing the negative impact, on their communities, of violent acts based on perceptions of ‘honour’. 

The Webinar gathers a panel of young experts from Sweden, Bulgaria, Italy, Greece, France and The Netherlands to present and share experiences on promoting Human Rights and safe communities


Time Subject
18h – 18h15 Welcome  Brief on FATIMA2 Speaker’s presentation
18h15 – 18h30 Feminova (Social Impact Project created by French Youth Ambassadors)
Speaker: Kylan Nzodom Young ambassador (France)
18h30 – 18h45 Young Ambassadors in Uppsala
Speakers: Hamze Abu-Jheisheh and Omar Mohamed Young ambassadors (Sweden)
18h45 – 19h00 Young Ambassadors in The Netherlands
Speaker: George Abdallah Young ambassador (Netherlands)
19h00 – 19h15 Not for “love”, nor for “honour”. Our NO to gender-based violence
Speaker: Shining L.E.A.D.E.R.s (Liberty, Empathy, Antiracism, Diversity, Equality in Rome Young ambassadors (Italy)
19h15 – 19h30 NO MORE: Standing strong for women
Speaker: Reni Hamova Young ambassador (Bulgaria)
19h30 – 19h45 TBC
Speaker: To be confirmed Young ambassador (Greece)
19h45 – 20h00 Closing remarks