Project updates

The FATIMA2 project, aiming at preventing honour-related violence against women, is coming to the end of its first year. The partnership of 8 EU countries represented by 8 different organisations, namely Folk Universitetet (SE), Rinova (ES), DAF Новини (BG), FISPE (FR), Refugee Team (NL), ZRS Koper – Znanstveno-raziskovalno središče Koper ( (SI), ARCI (IT), DIMITRA (GR).

The partnership has conducted local community consultations in each partner country with practitioners, stakeholders and young people to have a better understanding of the situation regarding honour-related and gender-related violence locally and analyse the needs of stakeholders in this matter. This first step resulted in a transnational summary report, which informed the development of the curriculum for Young Ambassadors for Human Rights and Gender Equality. DAF created and provided partners with specifications and the structure of the curriculum such as 4 domains gathering 10 different modules:

  • Learning
  • Tools for change
  • Tools for actions
  • Terminology

All modules, which tackle gender-based and honour-related violence in a holistic approach, have been finalised after the partnership last met in Rome, Italy in October 2023. They are now implementing Practitioner Capacity Building workshops with youth workers.

In parallel, Rinova has organised and hosted the first meeting of the Online Community of Practice (CoP), which took place on December 4th 2024. This online discussion allowed partners to specify together the activities that will follow. The second meeting was hosted on the 26th of January by DAF who shared good practices on professional development of educators on gender-based violence related topics. They are now working on the local consultations to inform the content of the next CoP capacity building meetings, as well as the 3 online seminars’, interviewing youth workers and practitioners to tailor the content according to their needs. The content produced during these meetings, as well as the other deliverables of the FATIMA2 project, will be uploaded and accessible on the Online Platform of the project. The website is ready and will be filled in throughout the second year of the project.

In the meantime, partner organisations keep working with their respective country’s public authorities to insure project sustainability. They will meet again in Plovdiv, Bulgaria in April 2024.