Feminova, project created and run by young men and women from Paris
Target group
The general public
Impact of the SIP
We were able to organized over 10 actions (some 15) and to reach over 250 people (mostly the young people).
Leading Organisation
Associations Sytteen & Fispe
The Feminova emerged from the Fatima 2 project, where 30 young man and women ambassadors were trained by Fispe. Feminova currently has 40 members divided into 4 different groups. We are all French citizains, from Paris with differents origines and differents background. Most of us are members of the Sytteen association, which was created by young people and for young people. Our primary objective is to raise public awareness about honor-based violence, a critical issue that remains largely under-discussed in France. We are also actively engaged in raising awareness of gender-based violence and training other young to become “Ambassadors of Change.”

What Happened
Raising awareness of gender and honor-based violence was organized through various activities, including: T-shirt printing with the Feminova logo, theatrical performances, debates, presentations and interviews.
We conducted these activities in several locations:
In several middle and high schools in Paris: We organized debates with pupils.
- At the Sorbonne University: We presented our project.
- At the University of Zadar in Croatia: We presented the project through a theatrical performance and orginized the debate with students.
- In association working with migrants: We conducted debates.
- In several social centers : We organized debates with young.
We also organized intergenerational dialogues and debates. During a dedicated awareness day, we organized a theatrical performance in collaboration with one theater from the 17th arrondissement of Paris.
Currently, we are working on producing a short film to raise awareness among a wider audience. The film will be based on interviews and street performances conducted with various individuals.
We have also been invited to participate in awareness-raising activities with other organizations throughout 2025. Our aim is to sustain our efforts even after the Fatima 2 project concludes. To this end, we have applied for grants from the City of Paris to support our activities in 2025.